The Economist: The revival of Latin Resurrexit vere A dead language is alive and kicking online and on the airwaves
Jul 27th 2013 WHEN Pope Benedict XVI resigned in February he used Latin, giving a scoop to Giovanna Chirri, the only journalist present who understood his words. That was a timely reminder of Latin’s unlikely survival—and revival—as a living language.
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Dotcom vs traditional Universities?
The Economist 20/7/2013 An army of new online courses is scaring the wits out of traditional universities.
Children’s intellectual development Bedtime stories Regular sleeping hours really are good for children—if they are girls The economist Jul 13th 2013
IN THAT mythical era when children were seen and not heard, and did as they were told without argument, everyone knew that regular bedtimes were important. “Dream on!” most modern parents might reply.
Language borrowing Why so little Chinese in English? The Economist Jun 6th 2013, by R.L.G.
How to kowtow ON TWITTER, a friend asked “Twenty years from now, how many Chinese words will be common parlance in English?”
Herramienta Informática para detectar trastornos en lenguaje infantil
Un equipo del grupo de investigación de Sistemas Telemáticos para la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento de laUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ha desarrollado una herramienta informática, llamada Gades, que permite automatizar el proceso de detección de trastornos del lenguaje en niños de entre cero y seis años. Según sus creadores, se trata […]